United Way stories

Foster Grandparents rewards students and seniors

United Way's community impact work engages student mentors to address peers' mental health

Georgia had a safe place to stay when she was removed from an abusive home and help to go to college.

Traumatized in war, Ervin found himself homeless until the Grace Home gave him the structure and support he needed.

Sophia and her family dreamed of owning a home. United Way investments in Habitat for Humanity made it possible.

The Young Parents Education Center provides childcare and educational support enabling pregnant teens to graduate.

Meals on Wheels provides Phil a warm meal, but more importantly someone to talk to who cares.

United Way grants helped Peace Place open its doors, grow and thrive to help kids with special needs like Ethan.

Graduation Matters to students like Antonio, who thrived in the United Way supported Immersion Program.

For veterans like David, treatment court gives them a chance for a better life. Watch his story here.